Sol Lopez
Sol Lopez


Member | November 2022

Sol Lopez

When did you join Strength Camp SF?

- I joined Strength Camp back in early July of this year.

Why did you join Strength Camp?

- I joined Strength Camp because I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and be in a more structured setting instead of wandering around clueless in a commercial gym. I wanted to see real results and I knew in order to achieve that, I would have to put myself in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar setting.

Can you describe your top 3 goals you had before starting?

  1. Stay consistent with this new lifestyle
  2. Get stronger
  3. Be confident in and out the gym

Can you list your achievements you’ve had since beginning at Strength Camp?

- Since joining Strength Camp, I’ve been consistent with my daily workout routine and I have now reached my initial GW.

What compliments have you received since joining Strength Camp?

- I’ve received many compliments from friends and family. They say I look much happier and healthier. They are impressed with my new active lifestyle.

What is the biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your journey?

- I have always been my biggest obstacle and critic. I often compare myself to others. I have now truly learned that comparison is the thief of joy. We all start somewhere and we’re all on the same fitness journey with different goals and directions.

What is your favorite thing about Strength Camp? What makes it unique from other gyms?

- My favorite thing about Strength Camp has to be the community. Everyone is so encouraging and helpful. I love how we root for one another. Strength Camp is unique in many aspects, but the one thing that really stood out to me is how knowledgeable, patient, and helpful all the coaches are. They’re always willing to help and break things down until they are clearly understood.

What is your least favorite thing about Strength Camp?

- There’s not a single thing I dislike about Strength Camp.

Who would you recommend Strength Camp to?

- I would recommend Strength Camp to anyone and everyone who is looking to get stronger and healthier, while being in a fun and structured environment with kick-ass coaches and an awesome community.

What does it mean to you to grow stronger?

- This fitness journey has always been and will always be me vs me. I have learned to show up for myself. Getting stronger everyday until I truly become the strongest version of myself.