Ramsay Jackson
Ramsay Jackson


Member | May 2024

Ramsay Jackson

When did you join Strength Camp?

-October 2022

Why did you join Strength Camp?

-During the pandemic, I was the largest I had ever been. I wasn’t happy about it, but the turning point was when I threw my back out making the bed. I needed to start moving again, and not just for long walks. A few months later, my friend saw an ad from Strength Camp. She was immediately interested, and I said I’ll sign up with her. We both signed up that week thinking “we would just try it out for a few months.” I was hooked from the very beginning and have been coming ever since.

Can you describe your top 3 goals you had before starting?

  1. Increase my mobility
  2. Improve my sleep — I sleep the best after a workout
  3. Setting strength goals — I can always just go to a regular gym and walk on a trend mill for health, but I wanted a new challenge

List your achievements you’ve had since beginning at Strength Camp

- Showing up consistently— making time to work out rather than finding time makes a big difference in my consistency

-I can do 10 burpees in a row! I hate burpees with a burning passion, but I can now at least do 10 without stopping.

-I’ve improved on the ab roller. I remember the first time I saw them demonstrate it; I almost left the gym. Of course, I started with the wall, then worked my way to where I am now, and I am very proud of the progress I’ve made so far.

What compliments have you received since joining Strength Camp?

- Weight loss recognition from friends and family- Being told I’m a lot stronger than I thought, which is very nice

- The appreciation for my nails, gotta love all the ladies at the gym for that!

What is the biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your journey?

- Being patient with myself. Working on yourself is a marathon, not a sprint. Not every cycle you make big gains. Not every week do you lose weight. You have to keep showing up for yourself.

What is your favorite thing about Strength Camp? What makes it unique from other gyms?

- I have never laughed so much at a gym! Most gyms I come, workout, and leave. I love growing up with the gym and having plenty of laughs along the way. You are not expected to be this perfect person coming to Strength Camp — you are taken for who you are. That is what makes it unique.

What is your least favorite thing about Strength Camp?

- The space over the desk is about to go any day now lol.

Who would you recommend Strength Camp to?

- Anyone who needs an environment of support to meet their strength goals. Not just the trainers, but fellow members will always support you.

What does it mean to you to grow stronger?

- To lift more weight tomorrow than you did today.