Nicole Leung
Nicole Leung


Member | Dec 2024

Nicole Leung

• When did you join Strength Camp SF?

- December 2023

• Why did you join Strength Camp?

- I joined Strength Camp as a complete beginner to weightlifting. I can lift heavy without worrying about injury.

• Can you describe your top 3 goals you had before starting?

1. To do a pull-up
2. To do push-up
3. Get abs

• List your achievements you’ve had since beginning at Strength Camp

- I can do push ups! Still working on that pull-up and still working on getting abs.

- I can bench press 85 lbs. When I started I couldn’t even do the bar! My PR on squat is 135 lbs and my PR on deadlift is 170 lbs!

• What compliments have you received since joining Strength Camp?

- A random lady complimented that I have nice legs, people asking for my diet plan and exercise regimen, and “you’re looking lean!”

• What is the biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your journey? 

- Getting enough protein in my diet.

• What is your favorite thing about Strength Camp? What makes it unique from other gyms?

- The coaching for sure. It’s nice to offload the mental work to people who have been doing fitness for much longer than me.

- I also like having Pat and Jeremy push me to lift more; they are two coaches who are most invested in my success and improvement. If I was on my own, I’d be too worried about injury to challenge myself.

• What is your least favorite thing about Strength Camp?

- The parking tickets.

• Who would you recommend Strength Camp to?

- Anyone who is new to weightlifting. Strength Camp has been invaluable for helping me understand proper technique, preventing injury, and becoming stronger.

• What does it mean to you to grow stronger?

- To lift more weights!