Lisa & Vikram Adukia
Lisa & Vikram Adukia


Members | April 2024

Lisa & Vikram Adukia

When did you join Strength Camp SF?

- Lisa: Aug 2023

- Vikram: Nov 2023

Why did you join Strength Camp?

- Lisa: I had heard of the benefits of weightlifting for peri-menopausal women and hit that age/stage when none of my usual fitness routines were having an impact. I needed to try something totally new and out of my cardio comfort zone.

- Vikram: Wanted to try something different, was mostly using Peloton before and was inspired by the results Lisa was getting.

Top 3 goals you had before starting Strength Camp

- Lisa: Increase strength, reduce effect of perimenopause, learn proper weightlifting techniques

- Vikram: Increase strength, be able to keep up with our daughter, improve bone density

List your achievements you’ve had since beginning at Strength Camp

- Lisa: I am no longer afraid of lifting weights, I can flip a giant tire, lift and carry a keg over my head, and deadlift 1.5x my body weight!

- V: Faster recovery times post-workout, some strength gains

What compliments have you received since joining Strength Camp?

- Lisa: Friends have mentioned that I’m looking more fit and have asked about what I am doing differently. My daughter likes to comment on “Mommy’s muscles”

- Vikram: Had some comments on being a bit leaner

What is the biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your journey?

- Lisa: Scheduling is definitely the biggest obstacle.

- Vikram: Finding time to make it over.

What is your favorite thing about Strength Camp? What makes it unique from other gyms?

- Lisa: I really enjoy seeing familiar faces and the support we all offer each other as we get through the workouts. It is still small enough that we feel like we know the trainers, and they know us well enough to give us candid feedback and guidance.

- Vikram: I like the mix of weight based strength training along with the speed circuits. It really helps to push me.

What is your least favorite thing about Strength Camp?

- Lisa: Not having class options between 12-1pm (or any mid-day)

- Vikram: Burpees

Who would you recommend Strength Camp to?

- Lisa: I would recommend Strength Camp to others who've never (or rarely) lifted weight, especially women in their 40’s looking to offset the impacts of perimenopause and menopause.

- Vikram: Anyone needing to change up their workout routine, and especially anyone who wants to be pushed

What does it mean to you to grow stronger?

- Lisa: To me growing stronger means to have the energy and stamina to keep up with our very active child and keep my body healthy enough to fight off everyday issues and get through menopause

- Vikram: Being more equipped to experience day to day life with fewer physical struggles