Diane Tam
Diane Tam


Member | January 2024

Diane Tam

Why did you join Strength Camp?

- I wanted to try something different that will truly challenge my mind and body. I’ve had a long history of going to bootcamp, HIIT sytle classes and Yoga + barre. I was always afraid of weight lifting and thought I was too “weak” to try.

Can you describe your top 3 goals you had before starting?

  1. To get physically stronger
  2. Develop lean muscles
  3. Learn how to lift properly and to not be afraid of weights!

Can you list your achievements you’ve had since beginning at Strength Camp:

  1. I can squat heavier than my own weight
  2. I’m no longer lost if I go into a gym and feel confident in my ability to navigate the different equipment
  3. I finally have a nice defined booty.

What compliments have you received since joining Strength Camp?

- That I’m so strong for my size (I’m only 5’3)! And of course, that my muscles are now more defined creating the illusion of more curves!

What is the biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your journey?

- Staying consistent and motivated when I’m not making as many exponential gains in terms of PRs.

What is your favorite thing about Strength Camp? What makes it unique from other gyms?

- Everyone says this, but truly, Strength Camp is such an amazing community. Everyone is always so inviting and motivating. Regardless if it’s your first time utilizing weights or a pro, everyone will cheer each other on to do the best they can. As a woman, many standard gyms can be so intimidating — Strength Camp made sure that we felt comfortable without pressure of knowing “everything.” It offers a space for everyone at all levels to start.

What is your least favorite thing about Strength Camp?

- Not going to lie, it can benefit from more glam and focus on a hygienic/cleanly environment :) I appreciate all the little improvements you guys are making around the gym. i.e. we love the new coat rack!

Who would you recommend Strength Camp to?

- Anyone on a journey to improve their health and mental health. It's about getting stronger and challenging yourself with other like minded peers. For those that want to try something different, especially those that never gave weight lifting a chance (ie. those of us that only focus on cardio and HIIT). * What does it mean to you to grow stronger?- To be able to feel confident in your own body and to break down prior beliefs that you're not able to achieve more. It doesn't always mean being able to lift heavier, but that you're improving and getting stronger in all ways.